Mule 3.x

Mule 3.x

Routing SOAP messages in Mule CE

Anyone who has designed RESTfull API appreciate API Kit Router available in Mule. It not only generates flows based on API definition but also route and validate messages. Our flows looks more concise and easy to read. This feature is available for both Community and Enterprise editions. For SOAP Web Services SOAP Router is available. However this time this utility works only for Enterprise Edition. Some time ago I developed a couple of services on Mule Community Edition. All services have WSDL contracts and I must say that when I now think about the implementation I would appreciate such router. So I have decided to write something similar that would work for Mule CE.

Entry Point Resolver how the message is passed

Sometime it is needed to use custom JAVA code to processes current message. Developed custom code is known as Java Component. How mule knows which method should invoke and what parameters should be there passed?  There are some rules that your class may full fill in order to work without any additional configuration. However when you have more sophisticated use case or class is fairly complex you would probably need Entry Point Resolver configured. I will explain on simple examples some of them. This is valid for Mule version 3.x. In next article I will describe in more detail new Java Module available in version 4.x.

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